Page 17 - English OLC Literacy Course 12 (2003)
P. 17

   The Achievement Chart for the OSSLC
The achievement chart that follows identifies four categories of knowledge and skills in reading and writing – Knowledge/Understanding,Thinking/Inquiry, Communication, and Application. These categories encompass all the curriculum expectations in the course. For each of the category statements in the left-hand column, the levels of student achievement are described. As noted earlier (pp. 10 and 11), the levels and their percentage grade ranges differ from those in the achievement charts for other courses.
The achievement chart is meant to guide teachers in:
• planning instruction and learning activities that will lead to the achievement of the curriculum expectations in a course;
• planningassessmentstrategiesthatwillaccuratelyassessstudents’achievementofthe curriculum expectations;
• selecting samples of student work that provide evidence of achievement at particular levels;
• providing descriptive feedback to students on their current achievement and suggesting strategies for improvement;
• determining,towardstheendofacourse,thestudent’smostconsistentlevelofachievement of the curriculum expectations as reflected in his or her course work;
• assigning a final grade.
The achievement chart can guide students in:
• assessing their own learning;
• planningstrategiesforimprovement,withthehelpoftheirteachers.
The achievement chart provides a standard, province-wide method for teachers to use in assessing and evaluating their students’ achievement. When planning courses and assessment, teachers should review the required curriculum expectations and link them to the categories to which they relate. They should ensure that all the expectations are accounted for in instruc- tion, and that achievement of the expectations is assessed within the appropriate categories. The descriptions of the levels of achievement given in the chart should be used to identify the level at which the student has achieved the expectations.

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