Page 15 - English OLC Literacy Course 12 (2003)
P. 15

 During the time provided for the 30 per cent final evaluation, it is expected that no new teaching of concepts and skills will take place. Rather, at this time, students consolidate and synthesize what they have learned in the course in order to demonstrate the reading and writ- ing skills they have acquired. All students will demonstrate their knowledge and skills indepen- dently, with the teacher acting as a facilitator of the process.
Teachers should give careful thought to creating a meaningful context for the final 30 per cent evaluation. Topics or themes that are relevant and appropriate to the students’ interests, aspira- tions, and future destinations (e.g., topics related to future schooling or work, or significant issues) will help students become fully engaged in the performance tasks and encourage them to do their best work.
For the 30 per cent final evaluation students will demonstrate their reading and writing skills through the following performance tasks:
• Students will read a teacher-selected text related to the selected topic or theme. In writing or through a conference with the teacher, students will respond to or answer questions about the text. These responses require students to demonstrate their achievement in terms of the three reading skills: understanding directly stated ideas and information in a text; understanding indirectly stated ideas and information in a text; and making connections between their personal knowledge or experiences and the ideas and information in the text.
• Theteacherwillselectanadditionaltextof250to300words,atanappropriatelevelof challenge, for students to read. Students will write a summary of the selected text.
• Students will record and organize the information they have gathered about a topic related to an assigned class activity and construct an information paragraph appropriate to a specific audience and purpose.
Reflection and Self-Assessment
• Students will write an assessment of their growth in reading and writing skills throughout the course, based on a review of the contents of their portfolio.
Accommodations for Students With Special Needs
Accommodations specified in a student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) must be available to students throughout the course. However, because achievement of the expectations in this course represents achievement of the literacy requirement for graduation, no modifications of the expectations are permitted.

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