Page 14 - English OLC Literacy Course 12 (2003)
P. 14

 The student’s final grade for the course will be determined as follows:
• 70percentofthegradewillbebasedonevaluationsconductedthroughoutthecourse,as specified below;
• 30percentofthegradewillbebasedonafinalevaluationofreadingandwritingskills,to be administered towards the end of the course, as specified below.
As in all of their courses, students must be provided with numerous and varied opportunities to demonstrate the full extent of their achievement of the curriculum expectations across all four categories of knowledge and skills.
Evaluations During theTerm: 70 Per Cent of the Student’s Grade
Evaluations during the term will be based on a variety of teacher-assigned and student-selected reading and writing tasks and will take place towards the end of units. (Evaluations should be spread out evenly over the term rather than being grouped towards the end of the term.) The evaluations that meet the minimum requirements specified below must be based on inde- pendent demonstrations of students’ knowledge and skills; however, other evaluations may be based on work completed independently or collaboratively (e.g., in response to a rich perfor- mance task). Evaluations of students’ performance on reading and writing tasks should include evaluation of their use of reading strategies and of the writing process, respectively. The mini- mum requirements for evaluations during the term are as follows:
Following extensive practice in reading a variety of texts, students will independently demon- strate for evaluation their understanding of a minimum of two narrative texts, four graphic texts, and five informational texts. These texts will be teacher-selected, and both the texts and the tasks will be identical for all students in the class.
Following extensive practice with writing in a variety of forms, students will independently produce for evaluation writing on demand, as follows: a minimum of one summary, one informa- tion paragraph, two series of paragraphs expressing an opinion, and two news reports. Topics will be assigned by the teacher, and the tasks will be identical for all students in the class.
Final Evaluation: 30 Per Cent of the Student’s Grade
For the 30 per cent final evaluation, all students will independently demonstrate the reading and writing skills they have developed in this course and will reflect upon their growth in literacy skills.
This culminating demonstration of literacy knowledge and skills should be in the form of per- formance tasks that are designed to show the range of what students know and are able to do in reading and writing. The 30 per cent final evaluation should not be designed to replicate the OSSLT. To provide the optimum conditions for success, teachers should ensure that stu- dents have the opportunity to use the reading strategies they have learned to perform the reading tasks and to use the writing process to perform the writing tasks, demonstrating their skills under normal class conditions with sufficient time to allow them to do quality work.

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