Page 18 - English OLC Literacy Course 12 (2003)
P. 18

 Achievement Chart – Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course, Grade 12
Knowledge/ Understanding
– knowledge of forms of texts (e.g., of vari- ous forms of informa- tional, narrative, and graphic texts)
– understanding of texts read (e.g., understand- ing of directly stated and indirectly stated information and ideas; understanding of rela- tionships between ideas; understanding of concepts and themes)
– knowledge of strate- gies, processes, and conventions (e.g., reading strategies; the writing process; con- ventions of grammar, usage, and spelling)
– understanding of the importance of reading and writing skills (e.g., for learning in all subjects; in the workplace)
– critical and creative thinking skills (e.g., in reading: making inferences, connect- ing ideas, integrating personal knowledge to extend meaning; in writing: developing ideas; selecting, eval- uating, and organiz- ing information; explaining; forming conclusions)
– self-assessment skills (e.g., setting goals for improving reading and writing skills; reflecting on and assessing progress)
the Required Level of Literacy 0–49%
The student:
Achieving the Required Level of Literacy 50–64%
– demonstrates adequate knowledge of forms
– demonstrates a reasonable under- standing of texts read
– demonstrates adequate knowledge of strategies, processes, and conventions
– demonstrates a reasonable under- standing of the impor- tance of literacy skills
– demonstrates moder- ate competence in using critical and creative thinking skills
– demonstrates moder- ate competence in using self-assessment skills
Exceeding the Required Level of Literacy 65–79%
– demonstrates consid- erable knowledge of forms
– demonstrates consid- erable understanding of texts read
– demonstrates consid- erable knowledge of strategies, processes, and conventions
– demonstrates consid- erable understanding of the importance of literacy skills
– demonstrates consid- erable competence in using critical and creative thinking skills
– demonstrates consid- erable competence in using self-assessment skills
Significantly Exceeding the Required Level of Literacy 80–100%
– demonstrates thor- ough knowledge of forms
– demonstrates thor- ough and insightful understanding of texts read
– demonstrates thor- ough knowledge of strategies, processes, and conventions
– demonstrates thor- ough understanding of the importance of literacy skills
– demonstrates a high degree of competence in using critical and creative thinking skills
– demonstrates a high degree of competence in using self-assessment skills
– demonstrates limited knowledge of forms
– demonstrates limited understanding of texts read
– demonstrates limited knowledge of strate- gies, processes, and conventions
– demonstrates limited understanding of the importance of literacy skills
The student:
– demonstrates limited competence in using critical and creative thinking skills
– demonstrates limited competence in using self-assessment skills

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