Page 95 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 95

 Grade 12, University Preparation
 3. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies
Teacher prompts: “What specific speaking strategies are most effective in eliciting responses from your peers in a group discussion?” “How can you as a presenter use the introduction and conclusion of your presentation to estab- lish a relationship with the audience?”
Clarity and Coherence
2.3 communicate in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style effective for the purpose, subject matter, and intended audi- ence (e.g., use passages from a novel to support a literary analysis of the novel in a presentation; synthesize relevant and significant material into a presentation;8 select and use relevant visual aids to strengthen a dramatic presentation for an audience of teenagers)
Teacher prompts: “What can you change in your dramatic reading of the text to highlight the important ideas of the text?” “How can pausing to reflect before responding to a question help you to communicate more effectively?”
Diction and Devices
2.4 use the most appropriate words, phrases, and terminology, and a variety of stylistic devices, to communicate their meaning in a compelling way and to engage their intended audience (e.g., use descriptive language to evoke a particu- lar mood in a dramatic presentation; use inclusive language during a presentation in order to acknowl- edge audience diversity; use catchphrases in
a parody of a political speech;9 use standard Canadian English in a formal presentation on an independent study topic)
Teacher prompts: “What does analysing the language chosen for a persuasive speech teach you about how language can be used to influence behaviour and attitudes?” “What words or phrases in an oral text demonstrate an understanding of multiple sides of an issue?”
Vocal Strategies
2.5 identify a variety of vocal strategies, including tone, pace, pitch, and volume, and use them effectively and with sensitivity to audience needs and cultural differences (e.g., control and vary tone to enhance a message; adjust volume
to reflect emotionally charged material and lan- guage during a speech; adjust pace and pauses during a seminar presentation to allow listeners sufficient time to take notes)
Teacher prompts: “How can you use tone, pace, pitch, volume, and repetition to suggest multiple perspectives in an oral narrative?” “When would it be appropriate to incorpo- rate pauses during an oral presentation?”
Non-Verbal Cues
2.6 identify a variety of non-verbal cues, including facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact, and use them effectively to help convey their meaning and with sensitivity to audience needs and cultural differences (e.g., adjust facial expressions to serve tone and message;10 research and role-play various types of non-verbal cues used in different cultures)
Teacher prompt: “How does your understand- ing of non-verbal communication affect the way you adapt your presentation and com- munication skills for different situations and audiences?”
Audio-Visual Aids
2.7 use a variety of audio-visual aids effectively to support and enhance oral presentations and to engage an audience (e.g., integrate oral reading, overheads, presentation software, props, or video clips into a speech in order to create a cohesive presentation on an independent study topic; use multimedia techniques to enhance the produc- tion of a one-act play)
Teacher prompt: “How can you integrate mul- timedia components into your presentation to communicate your ideas about the novel effectively and creatively?“
By the end of this course, students will:
3.1 demonstrate insight into their strengths and weaknesses as listeners and speakers, and practise the strategies they found most helpful before, during, and after listening and speaking to improve their oral communication skills (e.g., identify the environmental conditions that help them listen effectively; explain how they adjust their presentation strategies to reach a culturally diverse audience; assess their time- management and self-motivation strategies when preparing for a presentation and adjust
as necessary)
8. TL Library Research 7-12 “Planning for an Oral Presentation” 32
9. TLE 10-12 “Speaking for a Specific Audience” 140
10. TLCC 7-12 “Effective Presentation Skills” 196

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