Page 94 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 94

 their interpretations (e.g., explain how the group used dramatic conventions to strengthen their per- formance of the poem; listen to two different ver- sions of a Shakespearean soliloquy and compare the nuances of each actor’s performance; compare two versions of the same song or speech, one in audio form and one in video form, to examine how the meaning is conveyed in each)
Teacher prompts: “How has the speaker used visual cues to support his message?” “How has the actor used silences and pauses to convey meaning?”
Extending Understanding of Texts
1.6 extend understanding of oral texts, including complex and challenging texts, by making insightful connections between the ideas in them and personal knowledge, experience, and insights; other texts; and the world around them (e.g., actively listen to arguments in a debate in order to refute others’ interpretations; listen to
an advertising campaign in order to detect any flawed logic;4 compare two oral biographies on the same celebrity to modify any personal preconceptions)
Teacher prompts: “To what extent have the ideas in the group presentation changed your ideas about the novel?” “What similarities and differences are there between the two biographies? What explanation might there be for any discrepancies?”
Analysing Texts
1.7 analyse oral texts, including complex and chal- lenging texts, focusing on the ways in which they communicate information, ideas, issues, and themes and influence the listener’s/viewer’s response (e.g., evaluate how the participants in an expert panel discussion establish authority and credibility; debate how successful the panel was in informing its audience about the topic discussed; listen to two similar speeches and compare the organization and effectiveness of information, entertaining qualities, and persuasive techniques)
Teacher prompts: “What techniques has the presenter used to establish her authority on the subject?” “To what extent have the enter- taining qualities of the presentation enriched your understanding of the subject?”
Critical Literacy
1.8 identify and analyse in detail the perspectives and/or biases evident in oral texts, including complex and challenging texts, commenting with understanding and increasing insight on any questions they may raise about beliefs, values, identity, and power (e.g., compare and
analyse the meaning in the songs of several hip- hop artists; analyse the perspectives of various participants on an expert panel about global warming)
Teacher prompts: “How subjective is this oral text? How does the text attempt to demon- strate objectivity?” “Is subjectivity valid as long as it is transparent to the audience? Why or why not?”
Understanding Presentation Strategies
1.9 evaluate the effectiveness of a wide variety
of presentation strategies used in oral texts, including complex and challenging texts, and suggest other strategies that could be used effectively (e.g., analyse the way in which tone, vocabulary, and rhetorical patterns are used in
a formal speech; analyse the use of various choral reading techniques to communicate complex themes in a readers’ theatre presentation; evaluate the importance of fluent and rehearsed reading of text excerpts in oral presentations in supporting the presenter’s argument)
Teacher prompt: “How did the use of readers’ theatre in the presentation help to reveal the complex themes in the novel?“
2. Speaking to Communicate
By the end of this course, students will:
2.1 communicate orally for a wide range of pur- poses, using language effective for the intended audience (e.g., perform a readers’ theatre pres- entation of a written text;5 deliver a eulogy for a Shakespearean character; role-play an entrance interview at a postsecondary institution; lead a panel discussion)
Teacher prompts: “How effectively did the presenters capture the emotional perspec- tives of the characters in the novel?” “How is the speaker’s personal connection to the text reflected in his voice?”
Interpersonal Speaking Strategies
2.2 demonstrate an understanding of a variety of interpersonal speaking strategies and adapt them to suit the purpose, situation, and audi- ence, exhibiting sensitivity to cultural differ- ences (e.g., rephrase statements for clarity;6 syn- thesize the thread of a small-group discussion; give group members opportunities for reflective silence; deliver a summary of a group discussion that honours the contributions of all participants7)
   4. TLCC 7-12 “Triangle Debate” 186 5. TLE 10-12 “Readers’ Theatre Part II” 126 6. TLCC 7-12 “Discussion Etiquette” 176 7. TLE 10-12 “PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting)” 116

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