Page 63 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 63

 Grade 11, College Preparation
 3. Reflecting on Communication Skills and Strategies
discussions; recognize and adhere to time limits and other constraints7)
Teacher prompts: “How do you know when your listener would like to respond to what you have said?” “What is an appropriate response to constructive criticism?”
Clarity and Coherence
2.3 communicate in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style appropriate to the purpose, subject matter, and intended audience (e.g., use a formal structure that includes an open- ing statement, a point-by-point argument, and a summary/conclusion; restate the main facts from a graphic text in the correct sequence8)
Teacher prompts: “How will you narrow the topic of your oral presentation to meet the requirements of the assignment and ensure that the presentation will be under the time limit for speaking?” “How can you tailor your presentation to make an emotional appeal to your audience? What would you change to make the presentation appeal to an adult audience?”
Diction and Devices
2.4 use appropriate words, phrases, and terminol- ogy, and several different stylistic devices, to communicate their meaning and engage their intended audience (e.g., differentiate diction to explain the same job task to an employer and a new employee;9 use stylistic devices, such as per- sonal anecdotes, to engage the audience’s interest)
Teacher prompts: “How did you simplify the instructions to meet the needs of your audi- ence?” “At what point in your presentation would a personal anecdote help the audience to better understand and connect with your main idea?”
Vocal Strategies
2.5 identify a variety of vocal strategies, including tone, pace, pitch, and volume, and use them appropriately and with sensitivity to audience needs and cultural differences (e.g., compare the effectiveness of the same oral text when it is read in a monotone versus when it is read in an animated voice;10 use appropriate vocal effects to
record a commercial aimed at children)
Teacher prompts: “How can changing the pitch of your voice add a sense of authority to what you are saying?” “How does varying the emphasis on words obscure or clarify
the meaning?”
Non-Verbal Cues
2.6 identify a variety of non-verbal cues, including facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact, and use them appropriately to help convey their meaning and with sensitivity to audience needs and cultural differences (e.g., rehearse and use facial expressions to express different emotions during a presentation; role-play and demonstrate appropriate body language in informal situations, such as dating, having lunch with co-workers, making introductions)
Teacher prompt: “What are some of the non-verbal cues used in different cultures? How does your awareness of these differ- ences affect the way you communicate with different audiences?” “What cues do you use to show respect in conversation and
in presentations?”
Audio-Visual Aids
2.7 use a variety of audio-visual aids appropriately to support and enhance oral presentations and to engage an audience (e.g., use a collage to express a literary theme discussed in their pres- entation; use a series of images to demonstrate
a particular movement used in a sport; create a slide show to accompany an oral report)
Teacher prompt: “Which of the images is most interesting and relevant to the theme of the presentation?”
By the end of this course, students will:
3.1 describe a variety of strategies they used before, during, and after listening and speaking; explain which ones they found most helpful; and identify appropriate steps they can take to improve their oral communication skills (e.g., describe the strategies they use to monitor their understanding of an oral text, and explain which ones they use the most and why; identify the body language they use to communicate interest while speaking and listening; identify a presentation strategy they can incorporate to improve their presentation skills)
Teacher prompts: “Which listening strategies do the most to help you contribute effectively to a group discussion?” “How have you used role playing to practise listening and speak- ing in a variety of contexts? How effective was it?” “How do you make sure you are
 7. TLCC 7-12 “Effective Presentation Skills” 196 8. TLCC 7-12 “Timed Retell” 157 9. TLE 7-9 “Revising and Editing: Writing With Precision” 44 10. TLCC 7-12 “Effective Presentation Skills” 196

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