Page 61 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 61

  1. Listening to Understand: listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes;
2. Speaking to Communicate: use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes;
3. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies: reflect on and identify their strengths as listeners and speakers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in oral communication situations.
 1. Listening to Understand
By the end of this course, students will:
1.1 identify the purpose of a variety of listening tasks and set goals for specific tasks (e.g., understand course selection procedures after lis- tening to a guidance presentation; gather infor- mation on a topic of personal interest by con- ducting an interview; understand a presentation that includes business or technical language; lis- ten to a writing partner’s read-aloud of an essay in order to express an opinion or offer construc- tive advice)
Teacher prompts: “How did the length of
the speech affect your ability to listen atten- tively?” “What was your purpose for listening to this text?”
Using Active Listening Strategies
1.2 select and use appropriate active listening strategies when participating in a variety
of classroom interactions (e.g., stay on topic during a class discussion;1 respond to a guest speaker with appropriate empathy and interest; ask questions during a student-teacher confer-
ence to clarify the teacher’s suggestions for essay revisions)
Teacher prompt: “What listening strategies can you use while talking to someone in person that you cannot use while talking to someone on the phone?”
Using Listening Comprehension Strategies
1.3 select and use appropriate listening compre- hension strategies before, during, and after listening to understand oral texts, including increasingly complex texts (e.g., underline unfamiliar words in a text during a shared read- ing; read the lyrics of a song before listening to it; make jot notes while listening to an oral presentation; complete a“What I Heard/What
I Think” T-chart after listening to a speaker)
Teacher prompt: “How did looking at the written version of the text while listening help you understand the text?”
Demonstrating Understanding of Content
1.4 identify the important information and ideas in oral texts, including increasingly complex texts, in a variety of ways (e.g., write a summary of the main ideas in an oral text;2 cite examples from an oral text to support personal opinions
in a small-group discussion; create a poster about workplace safety after listening to a presentation on the topic)
Teacher prompts: “What did you notice when you compared your summary to your class- mates’ summaries?” “How do you tell the difference between the ideas that are important and the ones that are merely interesting?”
By the end of this course, students will:
1. TLCC 7-12 “Discussion Etiquette” 176 2. TLE 7-9 “Making Notes” 22

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