Page 167 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 167

 Grade 11, Open
 1. Planning Presentations: plan presentations for specific purposes and audiences;
2. Delivering Presentations: communicate orally for a variety of purposes and audiences, using the
forms, language, and techniques of effective oral presentations;
3. Reflecting on Presentation Skills and Strategies: reflect on the skills they have acquired in preparing, delivering, and responding to presentations.
 1. Planning Presentations
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
Selecting Appropriate Forms
1.1 select appropriate oral presentation forms for various purposes and audiences (e.g., a story- telling session to entertain a class at an elemen- tary school; an oral recitation of a poem in a class presentation on a poet; a persuasive argument on why they should be allowed to borrow the family car for an outing; a group presentation on drunk driving for a high school audience; a presentation to the school council, with a question-and-answer component, to encourage parental support for a student initiative)
Teacher prompt: “What form will you use? Why? What other options did you consider?”
Group Planning Skills
1.2 identify the attributes required to successfully plan a presentation as a group, and participate in a group to plan a presentation (e.g., role- play various characteristics that individuals may bring to a group and discuss the contribution that each characteristic makes to the success of
a team; identify behaviours and speaking pat- terns that are counter-productive to developing
a team presentation; examine how group mem- bers can share tasks in the investigation of a topic; identify the advantages of a cooperative approach in areas such as sharing the workload, communicating about strategies, and using each member’s strengths)
Teacher prompts: “What helped your group work together effectively?” “How did you
contribute to the preparation of your group’s presentation?”
Planning for an Audience
1.3 identify the considerations that are important with respect to audience and venue when planning an oral presentation (e.g., make a floor plan of the presentation venue to decide on the best use of the space; select visual aids and technology for a multimedia presentation that are appropriate for the size and composition of the audience; identify the prior knowledge, assumptions, expectations, and attention span
of the audience in order to customise a presenta- tion on a book; determine how best to allot the available time to allow for audience participation and a question-and-answer session)
Teacher prompts: “How will you compensate for the fact that the audience does not know much about this topic?” “What can you do to make the presentation more accessible for English language learners?”
1.4 select relevant and significant information from research to suit the topic, purpose, and audience (e.g., gather relevant information about healthy lifestyles to engage a teenaged audience; select and research a specific topic related to workplace safety, taking into account the prior knowledge and needs of co-workers; research what college programs match particular skills and interests in preparation for a class presentation)
Teacher prompts: “How will you know when you have done enough research?” “What else would a teenaged audience want to know about this topic?”

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