Page 168 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 168

 Developing Content and Structure
1.5 apply knowledge of the characteristics of effective presentations to plan content and structure for presentations to several different audiences (e.g., create an agenda for a presenta- tion to persuade the school board to rename the school; begin a speech with a startling statistic to engage the interest of an audience of peers; search the Internet for images that may be downloaded and used in a slide presentation about a global issue for an audience of elementary students)
Teacher prompts: “How will you engage the audience when you begin your speech?” “What visuals would be an effective back- drop to your presentation?”
1.6 select and use effective rehearsal strategies to practise and polish a presentation (e.g., practise a speech in front of peers or family members; rehearse a panel discussion or a group presenta- tion to refine sequencing and transitions; rehearse the use of visual aids and software; test the com- patibility of technology in the presentation venue)
Teacher prompt: “What is your most effective rehearsal technique? What new rehearsal technique would you like to try?”
Building Confidence
1.7 use appropriate strategies to increase confidence (e.g., memorization, repeated rehearsals, appro- priate dress, relaxation and breathing exercises, mnemonic devices, visualization)
Teacher prompts: “What will help you to feel most prepared in front of the audience?” “What sorts of cues will you need to keep on track?”
2. Delivering Presentations
By the end of this course, students will:
Purpose and Audience
2.1 make presentations in a variety of forms for various purposes and audiences (e.g., debate a topical issue at a student assembly; tell a story to a younger audience; role-play a job interview; present a monologue adapted from a novel; make a multimedia presentation to promote a school trip)
Teacher prompts: “What could you do to develop your skills as a speaker?” “What opportunities are there for you to make presentations outside of class?”
2.2 use appropriate and effective language in oral presentations (e.g., use specialized language in a
product or skill demonstration; use imagery or analogy to emphasize and clarify key points; use non-discriminatory and inclusive language con- sistently; describe a language choice they made in a presentation and explain why it was effective)
Teacher prompt: “Is there another way to phrase this sentence to make it more inclusive?”
Presentation Techniques
2.3 use appropriate techniques in both individual and group oral presentations (e.g., use appro- priate transitions between group members when delivering a presentation; use techniques such as rhetorical questions, humour, repetition, and dramatic pauses to engage the audience in a speech promoting a student-operated business; speak at an appropriate pace in a student semi- nar to allow the audience to take notes; vary vol- ume, pitch, and inflection for emphasis and to maintain audience interest in an oral report)
Teacher prompt: “What interesting touches were there in your delivery? Think about something as basic as volume or pace of speaking.”
Audio-Visual Aids
2.4 select, create, and use appropriate audio-visual aids using available technology (e.g., use an agenda, flipchart, posters, transparencies, slides, videos, tables, or graphs to organize and clarify meaning in presentations; make appropriate design choices, including font size and colour; prepare concise handouts for an audience; use
a sound recording of a poem to enhance a pres- entation during a seminar on poetry; create animated graphics to emphasize a key point in a sales presentation; use a videotape of a news clip to illustrate a report on a current issue; use recorded music and slides to create atmosphere during storytelling)
Teacher prompts: “What would be an appro- priate aid for a presentation on this topic?” “What type of aid would help your audience to more clearly understand the complexity of the point you want to make?” “Where
can you most effectively use technology to enhance your presentation? At what point would it become a distraction?”
Responding to Audiences
2.5 monitor audience reactions during a presenta- tion and adapt delivery accordingly (e.g., ask questions to check audience understanding and engagement; rephrase main ideas for clarification; move on to the next major point quickly to recapture the attention of a restless audience; add humour to reinforce and emphasize key
Presentation and Speaking Skills

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