Page 165 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: English, 2007 (Revised)
P. 165

  1. Identifying Elements of Effective Presentations: identify and analyse the characteristics of effective presentations;
2. Assessing Presentations: produce critical assessments of a variety of presentations.
 1. Identifying Elements of Effective Presentations
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
Identifying Forms
1.1 identify a variety of presentation forms (e.g., oral reports, speeches, lectures, debates, public address announcements, panel discussions, book discussions, storytelling, recitations, role plays, seminars, sales presentations, interviews, multi- media presentations)
Teacher prompts: “How do different types of speeches suit different purposes?” “How would you define a ‘speech’?”
Identifying Elements of Style and Organization
1.2 identify elements of style, stylistic devices, and organization in selected speeches or debates by famous orators (e.g., identify examples of repetition, rhetorical questions, and climactic order in excerpts from selected speeches; identify how a speaker uses tone to engage an audience; identify the use of repetition for emphasis in an anecdote; compare the use of the narrative and poetic elements in a medieval and a contempo- rary ballad)
Teacher prompts: “What is the effect of that rhetorical question?” “What stylistic devices do you see the speaker using in this presen-
Identifying Performance Techniques
1.3 identify the techniques that effective speakers use to make convincing presentations (e.g., describe the body language and vocal inflections used in a motivational speech; explain how fac- tors such as volume, pace of speech, pitch, tone of voice, eye contact, facial expressions, posture,
dress, movement, and gestures reinforce meaning in presentations; identify how the use of periodic summations, transition words, and humour engage an audience and sustain the audience’s interest; explain the use of visuals to persuade in a sales presentation)
Teacher prompt: “What is the speaker doing to influence the audience’s response?”
Identifying the Uses of Audio-Visual Aids
1.4 identify how audio-visual aids are used to support the oral components of a presentation (e.g., explain the use of presentation software to emphasize key points in a sales presentation; identify how charts and graphs are used to rein- force specific elements in an oral presentation; explain how and when audio clips should be used to vary the pace in a presentation)
Teacher prompts: “Were the visual aids effec- tive or distracting?” “How many video clips could you use before you begin to lose your audience?”
Identifying Cultural Conventions
1.5 describe conventions of oral and non-verbal communication in various cultures and how these conventions affect the delivery of oral presentations (e.g., find and discuss information about how different cultures view the use of eye contact and body language during presentations; research the training and protocols associated with Aboriginal storytelling; compare and con- trast the use of kissing as a greeting in various cultures)
Teacher prompts: “What cultural conventions did you observe in the speaker’s performance?” “How well would this speaker communicate with an audience outside of North America?”

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