Page 105 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Cooperative Education
P. 105

 Strand C. The Inquiry Process
 Strand D. Building Learning Capacity
 By the end of the course, students will ...
   By the end of the course, students will ...
    C1. Exploration and Investigation: explore and investigate a topic, issue, or process relevant to the cooperative education experience, formulating questions to guide research, gathering information, and making connections to the cooperative education experience
 C2. Analysis and Communication: analyse the information gathered through the investigation and communicate results, making connections to the cooperative education experience and other current and future endeavours
 D1. Decision Making: demonstrate an understanding of decision making and analyse how the decisions they make can impact their cooperative education experience and their future endeavours
 D2. Leadership: demonstrate an understanding of effective leadership and how they can incorporate it into their lives
 C1.1 identify and explore a variety of topics, issues, and/or processes related to the cooperative education experience
  C2.1 analyse and interpret information gathered through investigation of the chosen topic, issue, or process, and formulate conclusions
  D1.1 identify and describe various decision-making strategies that might help them make informed decisions related to their cooperative education experience
  D2.1 identify the attributes and skills needed to be an effective leader
 C1.2 develop questions to guide their research on a chosen topic, issue or process, making connections to their cooperative education experience
   C2.2 communicate
the results of their investigation, in a manner suited to purpose and audience
   D1.2 identify, based on reflection, a range of factors that influence the decisions they make in connection with their cooperative education experience
   D2.2 analyse the characteristics of various effective leaders and the role of leaders in sectors related to the cooperative education experience
   C1.3 investigate the chosen topic, issue, or process by gathering and organizing information from a variety of sources
  C2.3 describe ways in which they will be able
to apply the skills and knowledge gained or further developed through their investigation to their cooperative education experience and to other aspects of their lives, now and in the future
  D1.3 analyse how various decisions that they make in connection with their cooperative education experience could affect both that experience and future endeavours
  D2.3 identify ways in which they can make contributions as leaders
in their cooperative education experience and describe how they can use what they learned about leadership skills during their experience in their daily lives, at school, and in the broader community
 Appendix A: Course Expectation Charts

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