Page 199 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 199

   Material Culture
  • Etruscan temple design (e.g., the Portonaccio Temple at Veii)
• changes in building materials
and techniques (e.g., the use of
brick and marble veneer; the development of waterproof cement; the perfection of the
arch and keystone; sewage
systems such as the Cloaca
practices in central Italy (e.g.,
funerary urns, and sarcophagi;
cremation at the site of the
Roman Forum before 800 BCE,
• culturally distinct burial
Etruscan burials in tumuli,
as found in archaeological
  • thenuminaandsympathetic
• Etruscan religious influence
haruspices; the development of Roman priesthoods such as the (e.g., the role of augures and Virgines Vestales and the
Pontifex Maximus; the Roman
• the co-existence of traditional
state religion and private religion (e.g., Roman civic religion such as the cults of
Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Mars;
Lares and Penates; the festivals
of Saturnalia and Parentalia;
the Sibylline Books)
  • the geography of the Italian
location of Rome and Carthage) peninsula and the Western Mediterranean (e.g., the • Etruscan influence on early
Rome (e.g., the Tarquin • Roman Republican dynasty)
government (e.g., the cursus
honorum [course of honours/ public offices], the Law of the
plebeians and patricians (e.g.,
Twelve Tables)
the reforms and subsequent
assassination of the Gracchi
• the struggle between
  selections from Sallust, Caesar)
• Roman drama (e.g. a complete
• the emergence of the Latin alphabet and Roman literacy
• Roman historiography (e.g., play or selections from Plautus,
• Roman lyric poetry (e.g. selections from Catullus)
• rhetoric(e.g.,selectionsfrom
  Republican Rome (c . 509–30 BCE)
  Core Concepts and Topics (continued)

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