Page 200 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
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    Material Culture
  • temple and monumental
architecture (e.g., the adoption purpose of the fora; the use of of the Corinthian column; the
monuments such as the Ara
• domestic architecture (e.g., the Pacis Augustae, the Arch of Titus, and Trajan’s Column as differences between the insula, propaganda)
villa, and domus, such as the inclusion of an atrium, the
quality of construction, the
styles of decoration)
• material evidence of public
infrastructure (e.g., aqueducts
and water systems; public
baths; buildings for public theatres, amphitheatres, entertainment, such as
circuses; tabernae and
thermopolia; roads)
• Roman frescoes, mosaics, and
Herculaneum, Villa Oplontis, bas-reliefs (e.g., at Pompeii, Carthage, Cyrenaica, Leptis
  • the rise of Roman philosophy (e.g., Seneca, Marcus Aurelius,
• emperor worship and the
imperial cult
• challenges to Roman religion (e.g., mystery religions such as the cult of Isis, Mithraism, and Christianity; Judaism)
  role of the emperor, the political • imperial government (e.g., the characteristics of the Principate)
(e.g., the Roman border system, • social, political, and economic challenges to the Pax Romana Germania, Trajan’s wars of developments in and
Hadrian’s Wall, the collapse of Parthia, the construction of expansion into Dacia and the Western Empire)
• gender and social class (e.g.,
Julio-Claudian imperial dynasty; of the Roman provinces; the the influence of women in the the social status of inhabitants characteristics of the patronage
  • Roman poetry (e.g., selections from Horace, Vergil, Ovid)
• Roman historiography (e.g., selections from Livy, Josephus,
Tacitus, Dio Cassius)
• Roman biography (e.g., selections from Suetonius,
• letters(e.g.,selectionsfrom
• satire(e.g.,selectionsfrom Pliny the Younger) Plutarch)
Horace, Juvenal)
  Imperial Rome
(30 BCE–476 CE)
 Appendix A: Classical Studies
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
Core Concepts and Topics (continued)

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