Page 197 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Classical Studies and International Languages
P. 197

   Material Culture
  represented by grave goods; the • demographic and material evidence revealed by burial practices (e.g., the shift from inhumation to cremation; wealth and social status sex and approximate age of
those buried; evidence of
plague or warfare revealed by grave goods; the use of cinerary analysis of human remains and
vases and sarcophagi)
Geometric pottery such as the • the artistic representation of culture on pottery (e.g., Dipylon Vase; black-figure
pottery; pottery forms such as
the krater, kylix, amphora) • the orientalized style of
archaic statuary (e.g., kouros,
  • the Pre-Socratics and the rise of natural philosophy, science, and medicine (e.g., Thales • sacrifice(e.g.,ritualspractised of Miletus, Xenocrates, Hippocrates)
at the Eleusinian Mysteries, the
Thesmophoria festival, the
Panathenaea, and the Olympic
• oracular divination (e.g., the
Oracle at Delphi)
  into Italy, the Black Sea region, Massalia, Messina, Miletus,
• Greek territorial expansion
• Greek colonization (e.g.,
• poleis as social, political, Ephesus, Cyrene) Asia Minor
economic, and religious centres (e.g., Athens, Corinth, • the social crisis of the polis Olympia, Sparta)
under tyranny (e.g., populism
arising from the championing
of the Athenian lower class under Peisistratos, the reforms
of Solon as a catalyst for social
• xenophobia(e.g.,thesocial
categories of citizen, metic,
  • the emergence of the Greek
• epic poetry (e.g., selections alphabet and the growth of literacy
from Hesiod, Homer)
• lyric poetry (e.g., selections from Sappho, Alcaeus of
Mytilene, Archilochus, Pindar)
  Archaic Age
(c . 1000–490 BCE)
  Core Concepts and Topics (continued)

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