Page 29 - Choices into Action
P. 29

         Responsibilities of Guidance Counsellors
Guidance counsellors:
– assist the principal in develop- ing, coordinating, and imple- menting the school’s guidance and career education program
– provide instruction in guidance and career education through credit courses
– deliver workshops and seminars
– implement a process that will
ensure that all students complete
an annual education plan
– along with teacher-advisers,
assist students in completing
their annual education plan
– assist and support teacher-
– assist in the IPRC process and
correlate the IEP (including the transition plan) and the annual education plan for exceptional students
– maintain and establish links between elementary and second- ary schools and with community partners to coordinate their involvement with the guidance and career education program
– deliver and monitor orientation and exit programs and peer assis- tance programs
– provide individual assistance and short-term counselling for indi- viduals and small groups
– assist principals in arranging case conferences
– recommend appropriate school board staff and community agen- cies for the provision of individ- ual assistance and short-term counselling beyond the school
– assist students with the transi- tion to postsecondary education, training, and the workplace
– facilitate the ongoing review and evaluation of the school’s guid- ance and career education pro- gram and, every three years, the program-effectiveness survey
Responsibilities of Teacher-Advisers
Responsibilities of Other Teachers
Teacher-advisers: Teachers:
– meet with their students on a regular basis
– monitor the academic progress of their students
– monitor the completion of stu- dents’ annual education plan
– function as the key school con-
tact for parents
– review annual education plans
with parents and students twice
each year
– refer students who require
individual assistance or short- term counselling to a guidance counsellor or the principal in accordance with the school process
– work collaboratively with the guidance counsellor and other teachers in the school
– participate in case conferences
– participate in the ongoing review
and evaluation of the school’s guidance and career education program and, every three years, of the program-effectiveness survey
– align the guidance and career education program with the sub- ject expectations for which they are responsible
– consult with the guidance counsellor and other school and board support staff about the needs of individual students
– refer students who require addi- tional assistance to the guidance counsellor or principal in accor- dance with the school process
– participate in the development and implementation of the school’s guidance and career education program
– invite community partners to provide a variety of career exploration activities for their students
– participate in case conferences
– participate in the ongoing review
and evaluation of the school’s guidance and career education program and, every three years, of the program-effectiveness survey

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