Page 30 - Choices into Action
P. 30

Community partners include employers and workers within the wider school community who participate in school-based curricular activ- ities and facilitate educational visits; social and community agencies that might offer skilled staff to lead or support small-group instruction or counselling sessions; and staff from local and regional postsecondary educational and training institutions. These partners play critical roles in planning, supporting, and maintaining success- ful guidance and career education programs. Principals should invite them to participate on the guidance and career education program advisory team and also in the evaluation of the program.
In choosing community partners, schools should build on existing links with their local communi- ties and create new partnerships in conjunction with ministry and school board policies on part- nership development. In addition to those listed above, partners may be chosen from among the following individuals, agencies, and organiza- tions: parents, former students, school council members, senior citizens, volunteer agencies, career centres, chambers of commerce, govern- ment agencies, service agencies, service clubs, faith communities, ethnocultural organizations, industry education councils, settlement services, and Native friendship centres.
 Principals and teachers should work with their communities to facilitate collaboration and opportunities for involvement through such means as in-school visits by community repre- sentatives, community-based mentorship pro- grams, consultations with employers to prepare students for employment, and placements for job shadowing, work experience, community serv- ice, cooperative education, and school–work transition programs.

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