Page 27 - Choices into Action
P. 27

 Roles and Responsibilities
 Elementary and secondary schools, under the direction of their principals, will develop their own guidance and career education programs and make students, parents, teachers, and school councils aware of them. Schools will review and make adjustments to their guidance and career education pro- grams annually and will evaluate their effectiveness and make revisions to their programs every three years. The descriptions that follow clarify the roles and responsibilities of those delivering and those supporting the pro- gram.
The principal’s informed and active leadership is key to the success of the guidance and career education program in each elementary and secondary school. The principal needs to understand the program’s goals and structure, as well as what an exemplary program is like. He or she needs to coordinate the guidance and career education program with the overall school program, assigning it suitable staff, communicating with parents and the larger community about the program.
The principal is responsible for:
– establishing and consulting with a guidance and career education program advisory team;
– developing a comprehensive written guidance and career education program plan for the school;
– implementing and supervising the school’s guidance and career education program;
– arranging for the necessary in-service development of staff members who are responsible for delivering the program;
– arranging for the availability of the physical facilities, resources, and staff necessary for delivering the program;

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