Page 26 - Choices into Action
P. 26

 It is especially important that parents be involved in discussions regarding their chil- dren’s progress. Teachers, including teacher- advisers and guidance counsellors, should gather information from parents and consult with them when assessing students’ adjustment to school, achievement of program goals, and plans for future education.
For students in elementary schools, the Provincial Report Card, Grades 1–8, may be used to report student progress in achieving the goals of the guidance and career education program. Alternative ways of reporting on a student’s par- ticipation in the guidance and career education program include discussions with parents that focus on reviewing students’ academic and career portfolios and annual education plans (in Grades 7 and 8).
For students in secondary schools, the Provincial Report Card, Grades 9–12, will be used to record students’ progress in achieving guidance and career education credit course expectations. Discussion with guidance counsellors and teacher-advisers, and consultation among teacher-advisers, students, and parents using annual education plans and academic and career portfolios are other methods of reporting to stu- dents and to parents on students’ progress in the guidance and career education program.
Every three years, each principal will conduct a survey to gather information to determine the effectiveness of the school’s guidance and career education program and to help improve the pro- gram. This survey may be conducted as part of other school-wide surveys.
The survey will ask students, their parents, teachers, and other partners (as appropriate) to evaluate the delivery and effectiveness of the school’s guidance and career education pro- gram, including all its components (e.g., the teacher-adviser program, the annual education plan, and the orientation and exit programs). The survey will be based on the program goals and student competencies. It should also evalu- ate the program’s impact on the students it serves by identifying areas needing improve- ment, as well as by soliciting suggestions for pri- orities and ways to improve the program and its implementation.
The results of each survey will be reviewed by the school’s guidance and career education pro- gram advisory team; will be reported to stu- dents, parents, staff, and the school council; and will directly influence the collaborative planning and future delivery of the guidance and career education program. Once the program plan has been revised to incorporate the improvements indicated by the survey responses, the revised program will be communicated to parents, staff, students, and the school council. (See “Program Planning” on page 11.)

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