Page 173 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 173

The charts on the following pages identify a continuum for the purposeful introduction from Grade 1 through Grade 12 of (1) universal map and globe skills, and (2) universal graphing skills. Students need these skills in order to be spatially literate, to communicate clearly about “place”, and to develop a sense of place. The charts show the progression
of spatial skills in the social studies, history, geography, and Canadian and world studies programs. The first chart, Map and Globe Skills, is divided into (A) Map Elements, and (B) Spatial Representation.
All these skills should be taught in an issue-based context, and not as an end in themselves. They can be used at many stages of the inquiry process, helping students gather, organize, and analyse data and information, both visual and written, and communicate their findings.
Map, globe, and graphing skills can be used in the following ways:
• to extract information and data: students read maps, globes, and graphs to locate information and/or data
• to analyse information and data: students process information and/or data from maps, globes, and graphs
• to construct maps and graphs: students create maps and graphs to help them analyse and communicate information and/or data and solve problems
It is important to note that map, globe, and graphing skills can be linked to skills related to literacy, mathematical literacy, and technology.

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