Page 172 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 172

  Ways of Developing Citizenship Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes
  Related Terms and Topics
  • Identify and develop their sense of connectedness to local, national, and global communities
• Develop a sense of their civic self-image
• Consider and respect others’ perspectives
• Investigate moral and ethical dimensions of developments,
events, and issues
   • interconnectedness
• beliefs and values
• self-efficacy
• culture
• perspective
• community
• relationships
 Appendix B
 Ways of Developing Citizenship Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes
  Related Terms and Topics
  • Explore issues related to personal and societal rights and responsibilities
• Demonstrate self-respect, as well as respect and empathy for others
• Develop attitudes that foster civic engagement
• Work in a collaborative and critically thoughtful manner
   • inclusiveness
• equity
• empathy and respect
• rightsandresponsibilities
• freedom
• social cohesion
• justice
• fairness
• truth
• citizenship
• collaboration and
 Identity – A sense of personal identity as a member of various communities
 Attributes – Character traits, values, habits of mind
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Canadian and World Studies

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