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THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
multinational corporation/transnational corporation. A corporation that has its head- quarters in one country and manages production or delivers services in other countries.
municipal government. In Canada, one of the levels of government below that of the provinces. The constitution gives the provinces jurisdiction over municipal affairs.
municipal region. A local area that has been incorporated for the purpose of self-government.
NAFTA. See North American Free Trade Agreement.
National Aboriginal Day. A day, June 21, proclaimed by the federal government in recognition of the contributions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit to the development of Canada.
nationalism. The ideology that promotes devotion to the collective interests and cultural identity of a nation.
National Policy. When capitalized, the term refers to the economic policy of John A. Macdonald’s government, which in 1879 implemented tariffs to protect Canadian manufacturing. In a more general sense (i.e., when the term is lower cased), it refers not only to tariffs but also to the goals of fostering western settlement and building the transcontinental railway.
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
natural disaster. A catastrophic event caused by Earth’s physical processes that affects human settlement. Examples include the North American ice storm of 1998, the Indian Ocean tsunami
of 2004, and Hurricane Sandy in 2012. See also natural hazard.
natural hazard. A natural event or feature, created by Earth’s natural processes, that poses a threat to human safety. Examples of natural hazards include blizzards and ice storms; earth- quakes; floods; landslides; tornadoes, cyclones, and hurricanes; tsunamis; icebergs; and volcanoes. See also natural disaster.
natural phenomena. Physical processes and events pertaining to things such as weather, wave action, soil build-up, or plant growth.
natural resource. Something found in nature that people find useful or valuable. See also flow resource; non-renewable resource; renewable resource.
non-governmental organization (NGO). An organization that operates independently of governments, typically providing a social or public service (e.g., Doctors without Borders, Free the Children, Nature Conservancy).
non-renewable resource. A resource that is limited and cannot be replaced once it is used up (e.g., coal, oil, natural gas).
NORAD. See North American Air Defense Command.
North American Air Defense Command (NORAD). A joint Canadian-American organiza- tion established in 1958 to monitor and defend airspace and to issue warnings regarding threats to North America from missiles and other aerospace weapons. Later renamed the North American Aerospace Defense Command.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). A trade agreement between Canada, the United States, and Mexico that became
law in 1993. The main purpose of NAFTA is
to facilitate and increase trade among the three countries.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). A political and military alliance among 28 European and North American nations, including Canada, whose primary goal is the collective defence
of its members and peace in the North Atlantic region.
opinion. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.

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