Page 566 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 566

THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
labour union. A group of workers who have come together to pursue common goals, such as better working conditions. Union leaders bargain with employers and negotiate labour contracts.
land claims. A First Nation, Métis, or Inuit assertion of rights over lands and resources, and of self-government, which can also concern Aboriginal and treaty title and rights. When resolved, the final agreements often outline rights, responsibilities, and/or benefits.
landfill. A method of waste disposal, in which solid waste is collected and transferred to a set location, where it is buried. In Canada, there are provincial regulations governing landfill sites, with the goal of minimizing their impact on health and the environment.
landform. A natural physical feature of a land surface (e.g., a mountain, plateau, valley, plain).
land grant. Land that is given to individuals or groups by a government or other governing body.
land reclamation. The creation of “new” land from existing riverbeds or seas. Also, the reclamation or rehabilitation of land that was previously disturbed, often by resource extraction. See also rehabilitation.
land use. Ways in which land is used by people (e.g., for commercial, industrial, residential, transportation, or recreational purposes). In mapping, different land uses are conventionally represented by specific colours.
latitude. The distance north and south of the equator, measured in degrees. See also equator.
laws. Formal rules and regulations governing a community’s affairs that are enforced by a political authority and judicial decisions.
League of Indians of Canada. An organization established in 1919 to lobby for First Nations rights in Canada.
legend. An explanatory description or key to features on a map or chart.
legislative branch.* The branch of government that makes the laws – the Parliament of Canada and provincial and territorial legislatures. Also referred to as “the Queen in Parliament”. See also branches of government; executive branch; judicial branch.
legislature.* The federal legislature (Parliament of Canada) consists of the Queen, the Senate, and the House of Commons. The provincial legislatures consist of the lieutenant governor and the elected house. See also Parliament of Canada.
LGBT. The initialism used to refer to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. A broader range of identities is also sometimes implied
by this initialism, or they may be represented more explicitly by LGBTTIQ, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual or two-spirited, intersex, and queer or questioning.
life expectancy. The average number of years that a person is expected to live. Life expectancy varies by historical period, gender, region, and other factors.
linear settlement pattern. A narrow grouping of houses or settlements whose placement is determined by features such as a river, road, or valley.
lines (mapping). Lines are used in mapping, including GIS, to represent linear features such as roads, railways, rivers, shipping lines, flight paths, and topography.
liquefaction. A natural phenomenon that occurs when soil particles that are partially saturated lose their strength and flows like liquid, usually as a result of shaking during an earthquake. Liquefaction is responsible for a great deal of the damage that has been caused by earthquakes around the world.
literacy rate. The percentage of the adult population who can read and write.
lithosphere. The solid upper layer of Earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.

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