Page 440 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 440

 Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
Catholic Reformations; the expulsion of Jews from Spain; the witch hunts; the founding of Hasidic Judaism; the adoption of Confucianism during the Qing Dynasty in China; the adoption of Buddhism as the state religion in Japan; the spread of Christian missions in European colonies; challenges to religious thought during the Enlightenment)
Sample questions: “Why did Henry VIII ask the pope to annul his first marriage? How did the king respond when his request was rejected? What were the long-term consequences of his actions?” “What are some groups that have suffered religious persecution? What impact did it have on their lives?”
C4.2 describe some key developments in science and/or technology during this period, and explain their impact (e.g., development arising from the Scientific Revolution in Europe; develop- ment in agriculture, weaponry, transportation technologies; the printing press; the steam engine; developments in telescopes, microscopes, the astrolabe)
Sample questions: “What was the long-term impact on people’s lives of the development of the printing press?” “What criteria would you use to rank the scientific contributions of Leonardo da Vinci? Which of his ideas or developments has had the most significant impact? How did different people view the work of Leonardo at the time? Why would they have held these views?”
C4.3 describe some key cultural developments
in various societies during this period, and explain their significance for the development of identity and/or heritage (e.g., buildings such as temples, cathedrals, mosques, palaces, monuments; developments in literature, painting, sculpture, music, or fashion)
Sample questions: “What are some structures built during this period that continue to be closely identified with the heritage of a particular society?” “What were some of the artistic achievements associated with the Renaissance? Why is this seen as such an important period of cultural production?”
C4.4 analyse the contributions of some individuals to the identity and/or heritage of different societies during this period (e.g., Samuel de Champlain, Mathieu da Costa, Elizabeth I, Vasco da Gama, Shah Jahan, Louis XIV, Toussaint Louverture, Michelangelo, Peter the Great, Shakespeare, George Washington, Mary Wollstonecraft)
Sample questions: “Why was Louis XIV called the Sun King? Do you think the term is appro- priate? Would all people in France and the French colonies have agreed with you?”

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