Page 442 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 442

 Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
  THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
indigenous people have used during this period to promote their causes?” “How effective has the environmental movement been in changing society’s attitude and behaviours during the past fifty years? Has its impact been global?”
D2. Politics and Conflict
FOCUS ON: Change and Continuity; Historical Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 explain major changes in political systems in some countries during this period (e.g., the formation of the Dominion of Canada; the estab- lishment of communist governments in Russia and China; fascism in Germany, Spain, or Italy; the creation of independent states in former African and Asian colonies; revolutions and military juntas in Latin America)
Sample questions: “How widespread was the British Empire at the beginning of this period? What were some factors that led to its demise? To what extent do we still see the cultural, linguistic, social, and/or political influence
of the British Empire in the world today?” “What was the involvement of the American government in the 1973 coup d’état in Chile? Why was the United States involved in the internal affairs of that nation?”
D2.2 describe various conflicts, both within and between countries, during this period, and assess their significance (e.g., revolutions of 1848; the Great Game; the Opium Wars; the Boer Wars; World War I and World War II; the Mexican, American, or Spanish Civil War; the Russian Revolution; the Cold War; conflict in the Middle East; the War on Terror)
Sample questions: “Which do you think was of greater historical significance – World War I or World War II? What criteria would you use to make that determination?” “How was the Cuban Missile Crisis linked to the Cold War? What impact did this crisis have on Cuba? The United States? The Soviet Union? How did each of those countries view the crisis? How would you account for the differences? How does this conflict continue to play a role in relations between Cuba and the United States?”
D2.3 identify ways in which warfare changed during this period, and between this period and earlier ones (e.g., with reference to chemical,
atomic, and nuclear weapons; fighter planes, bombers, missiles, and drones; casualty and mortality rates; refugees; ethnic cleansing)
Sample questions: “Why might some argue that the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a turning point in the history of war?” “What impact has technology had on warfare during this period?” “In what ways did the events of 9/11 change the nature of warfare and conflict?” “In what ways have ethical considerations related to the conduct of war changed over the course of history?”
D2.4 explain how the actions of some individuals or groups during this period helped promote peace and/or contributed to conflict (e.g., with reference to Napoleon Bonaparte, Simón Bolívar, Leopold II, Mohandas Gandhi, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Rosa Parks, or Nelson Mandela; alliance systems; the Irish Republican Army; the League
of Nations or the United Nations [UN]; the International Red Cross / Red Crescent Society; pacifist/antiwar movements; peace and reconciliation commissions; al-Qaeda)
Sample questions: “What comparisons could you make about the rise and rule of Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin? What circumstances allowed these men to act as they did?” “How did the hostile attitudes of some European leaders and alliances between their nations contribute to World War I?” “Why did Nelson Mandela win the Nobel Peace Prize? Was he always regarded as a man of peace in South Africa? If not, how would you account for changes in the way he was perceived?”
D2.5 describe some changes brought about by colonial, nationalist, and anticolonial forces during this period, and analyse their impact
on people’s identity (e.g., the Scramble for Africa; wars of independence in South America; Japan’s invasion of Korea and Manchuria; the partition of India; the founding of Israel; the War in Vietnam; ethnic cleansing; the creation of independent nations in Africa; the impact of Palestinian or Quebec nationalism; the dissolution of the Soviet Union and/or Yugoslavia)
Sample questions: “Why did some imperial powers choose to limit citizenship rights in their colonies? Why did some people view this as an appropriate approach? How did different groups challenge such policies?” “When you analyse the beliefs and goals of Irish, Indian, and Quebec nationalists, what similarities and differences do you find?”

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