Page 439 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 439

importance of sanitation during this period?” “What kinds of commercial opportunities emerged in response to population growth
in cities?”
C2. Politics and Conflict
FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Continuity and Change
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 explain the impact of some key political developments during this period (e.g., the fall
of the Aztec or Inca Empires; the expansion of the Ottoman or Mughal Empire, various European empires, and/or African Kingdoms; new political ideas during the Enlightenment; the establishment of republics in the United States, France, and Haiti; the enclosure movement)
Sample questions: “What are some factors that contributed to the overthrow of the old political system in France? What other countries experi- enced significant changes in their political system or structures during this period? What were some of the common elements in these changes?”
C2.2 analyse some of the political, economic, and/or social consequences of European voyages of exploration and imperial expansion during this period (e.g., the introduction of new products and/or cultural influences; the enrichment of European powers; the decline of Mesoamerican and South American empires; epidemics among Aboriginal people coming in contact with Europeans; proselytising by European missionaries; resource exploitation; expansion of the transatlantic slave trade)
Sample questions: “What were some of the intended and unintended consequences on African societies of the increase in exploration and colonization of that continent? Why were some African nations more deeply affected than others?” “What are some of the long-term economic consequences of colonization? How do they continue to play a role today?”
C2.3 describe some significant conflicts, both within and between countries, during this period, and analyse their impact (e.g., the Thirty Years’ War; Spanish conquests in Mesoamerica and South America; civil wars in England; conflicts between imperial powers in North America, including the role of their Native allies; the Great Turkish War; the American, French, or Haitian Revolution)
Sample questions: “What effect did the combin- ation of the Inca Civil War and the Spanish conquistadors have on the Inca Empire?” “Why
did the British expel the Acadians from Atlantic Canada? What was the impact of this decision?” “What might have been the motivations for some First Nations to enter into alliances with the different imperial powers?”
C3. Work and Economies
FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Continuity and Change
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 explain the significance of some key aspects of the development of trade during this period (e.g., the Columbian Exchange; triangular trade and the transatlantic slave trade; commercial institutions such as banks, the East India Company, or the Hudson’s Bay Company; the growing influence of mercantilism)
Sample questions: “Who benefited the most from the increase of international trade during this time?” “What similarities and differences do you see between international trade at this time and the globalization of today’s economy?” “What was the impact of imperial control
over natural resources in European colonies? Who benefited from the development of these resources? Who did not? In what ways has foreign ownership/control changed? In what ways has it remained the same? How does it continue to affect different countries today?”
C3.2 describe the work of different people in selected societies, and explain how they con- tributed to those societies (e.g., with reference to African slaves, Aboriginal and European traders, merchants, artisans, stonemasons, blacksmiths, educators, soldiers, sailors, nuns and priests in the “New World”, scientists, philosophers)
Sample questions: “How important was the fur trade to the development of New France and British North America? Who were the key participants in the trade? What work did they do? How did the fur trade affect different groups?” “What role did apothecaries and midwives play before professional physicians and nurses became common?”
C4. Culture and Heritage
FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Historical Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C4.1 identify some key developments related to religion/spirituality in selected societies during this period, and explain some of their conse- quences (e.g., with reference to the Protestant and
        Adventures in World History

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