Page 437 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 437

some connections between the development
of calendars and religious/spiritual beliefs, practices, and rituals?” “What is the ‘great stirrup controversy’? How can what may seem to us a minor invention be of such significance?”
B4.5 explain the purpose and the social and/or architectural significance of some structures built during this period (e.g., Neolithic monuments such as Stonehenge, pyramids in Mesoamerica or Egypt or Sumerian ziggurats, aqueducts, arenas, theatres, temples, the Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu, Hopewell mounds, the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, walled cities such as Jericho or Uruk, the homes of people of different social status)
Sample questions: “Why did so many commun- ities build defensive walls during this period? When you compare these walls to some built in the twentieth century (e.g., the Berlin Wall, the walls in the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, barriers in the West Bank or along the U.S.–Mexico border), what would you conclude about changes over time in the purpose of these barriers?”
B4.6 explain the impact that the actions and/or ideas of some significant individuals from this period had on identity and/or heritage (e.g., Alexander the Great, Al-Zahrawi, Archimedes, Christine de Pizan, Confucius, Cyrus the Great, Genghis Khan, Jesus of Nazareth, Joan of Arc, Leif Ericson, Muhammad, Octavian Caesar, Ramesses II, Siddha¯rtha Gautama, SunTzu)
Sample questions: “What impact did some significant religious figures from this period have? How widespread was their influence?
In what ways do you think human history might have been different if they had not lived?” “What role did Deganawida and Hiawatha play in establishing the Five Nations Confederacy? What was the significance of
the confederacy?”
 Adventures in World History

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