Page 191 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 191

help a municipal government identify environ- mental or social concerns that could affect the decision to allow a new large-scale industrial complex within the city boundaries?” “How can GIS and GPS help with controlling traffic patterns and relieving traffic congestion?”
D1.5 describe and assess some of the ways in which businesses use spatial technologies in private-sector decision-making processes (e.g., to determine flight paths and flight times, to choose locations for new retail complexes or manufacturing centres, to reduce transportation costs)
Sample questions: “How might an insurance company use spatial technologies when con- ducting insurance assessments?” “How might a real-estate development company use spatial technologies when planning a new mixed-use development?”
D1.6 describe and assess some of the ways in which various First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities use spatial technologies to inform decisions around land use and make plans for future development (e.g., to investigate land claims, to conduct resource inventories, to choose the routes of ice roads or snowmobile trails, to conduct independent reviews of proposals for resource extraction)
Sample questions: “How might the use of spatial technologies help First Nations communities in research and planning concerning the proposed location of a new mine? What types of data and information would they need to collect? Which spatial technology or technologies would help them collect the data and information they need?”
D2. Connecting Global and Local Issues
FOCUS ON: Patterns and Trends; Interrelationships
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 interpret global maps, remote sensing data (e.g., from the NASA Earth Observatory website), and satellite images to analyse relationships between some major physical features of the world, areas of human settlement and activity, and variations in selected climatic variables (e.g., relationships between mountains and rainfall; human settlement and activity and aerosol size; forest fires, crop burning, and carbon monoxide concentrations; net radiation and net primary production; precipitation and snow cover; water vapour and vegetation; sea surface temperature anomalies and land surface temperature anomalies), and describe how these relationships affect their local community or area
Sample questions: “What do these satellite images reveal about our local ecoregion in relation to the global ecosystem?” “How do satellite images help you to determine how weather systems influence local weather patterns?”
Using spatial skills: Students can use GIS to create points, lines, and polygons to illustrate the locations of major physical features around the world.
D2.2 apply a variety of spatial technologies to identify patterns and trends related to selected global issues, and explain how these trends might affect their local community or area
Sample question: “How might climate change affect our local weather, local smog levels, or the spread of non-indigenous species or disease into our local area?”
 Introduction to Spatial Technologies

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