Page 193 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 193

have been used over time?” “How have improve- ments in the collection of weather data and satellite images helped communities better prepare for large storms?”
E2.2 describe recent advances in the field of spatial technology (e.g., the development of Web GIS, which enables more people to use, share, and access information) and identify some careers that may be created as a result, both globally and locally (e.g., careers in health care and emergency relief)
E2.3 identify key Canadian contributions to the development of spatial technologies over time (e.g., RADARSAT 1 and 2, Canadian Space Agency [CSA] contributions, Canadian satellites, Canadian contributions to international collaborations,
the development of the Prince Albert Satellite Station, Canadian astronauts, the Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer, various contributions by Natural Resources Canada [NRCan] and Land Information Ontario [LIO])
 Introduction to Spatial Technologies

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