Page 190 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 190

 Grade 11, Open
 D1. Spatial Technologies and Society: describe and assess the ways in which different groups in society use spatial technologies for planning and decision making (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
D2. Connecting Global and Local Issues: use a variety of spatial technologies to analyse global issues related to geography and their impacts on the local community or area (FOCUS ON: Patterns and Trends; Interrelationships)
  THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
D1. Spatial Technologies and Society
FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 describe and assess some of the ways in which spatial technologies are used to support community affairs and public services (e.g., GPS is used to monitor criminal activity; satellites are used to gather data for monitoring of common urban issues), and identify potential issues related to these uses
Sample questions: “How can GIS help with mapping criminal activity in a community? What are the implications of GPS and GIS
use by police?” “Why is it important for fire departments and paramedics to use some spatial technologies? Which ones would be most helpful for emergency services, and why?” “What are some of the negative aspects of the use of spatial technologies in a community context?” “Do all communities have access to these technologies? Why or why not? How does inequality of access affect the communities that do and do not have access?”
D1.2 describe and assess the role of spatial technologies in risk assessment and disaster planning
Sample questions: “How can spatial technologies be used effectively by local, regional, and national governments when planning for disaster ‘what-if’ scenarios or performing risk identification and assessment?” “How do spatial technologies
help people understand and assess the risks of a tsunami in a given region?” “How might spatial technologies help governments assess the economic, environmental, infrastructural, and social risks of a potential disaster? Why is it important for governments to know and understand these risks?”
D1.3 describe and assess the role of spatial technologies in informing human responses to natural and human-made disasters (e.g., natural disasters: floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, snow and ice storms, heat waves; human-made disasters: chemical spills, transport accidents)
Sample questions: “How can spatial technologies be used effectively in disaster response and evacuations? What are the limitations of spatial technologies in relation to disaster relief, recovery, and relocation of affected populations?” “How can the use of GIS and GPS help improve emergency response times?”
D1.4 describe and assess some of the ways in which various levels and areas of government use spatial technologies in public-sector decision- making processes (e.g., land-use surveys and assessments are used in planning for new develop- ments or responding to a request for a change in land-use designation; remote sensing and GIS are
used to decide on a route for new water and sewer pipes)
Sample questions: “Why is it important for school boards to use GPS when planning routes for school buses?” “How might spatial technologies
By the end of this course, students will:

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