Page 41 - Business Studies 9-10 (2006)
P. 41

  Ethics and Issues in Information and Communication Technology
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• demonstrateanunderstandingoflegal,social,andethicalissuesrelatingtoinformationand communication technology;
• analyse privacy and security issues relating to information and communication technology;
• assess the impact of information and communication technology on personal health and the environment.
Specific Expectations
Legal, Social, and Ethical Issues
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe legal issues related to information and communication technology (e.g., free- dom of information, piracy, copyright);
– analyse ethical issues related to information and communication technology (e.g., spam, plagiarism, unauthorized download- ing, inappropriate or dangerous sites or usage, power to promote hatred and dis- criminatory attitudes);
– describe the impact of access and equity issues relating to information and commu- nication technology (e.g., the availability of software to assist people with disabilities, access to equipment at home, the effect of technology on northern and Aboriginal communities);
– explain the purpose and content of an acceptable use agreement.
Privacy and Security Issues
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe privacy and security issues related to information and communication tech- nology (e.g., protection of credit card information; cookies; identity theft; spyware; cyber stalking);
– explain the importance of keeping infor- mation secure and confidential (e.g., through the use of passwords, encryption, biometric authentication, firewalls);
– analyse the form and potential impact of computer viruses;
– explain how anti-virus software applica- tions in a business environment enhance system security.
Health and Environmental Issues
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe an ergonomically correct work environment;
– assess the personal health risks associated with the use of information and commu- nication technology (e.g., musculoskeletal injuries, eye strain);
– explain the impact of information and communication technology on the envi- ronment (e.g., disposal of hardware, recy- cling of paper and toner cartridges).

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