Page 40 - Business Studies 9-10 (2006)
P. 40

  Business Communications
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of effective business documents and communications;
• use appropriate technology to facilitate effective communication;
• maintain a portfolio of exemplary work that illustrates their skills in information and communication technology, including the ability to create effective business communications.
Specific Expectations
Business Communications Standards
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify characteristics of effective business documents and communications (e.g., clar- ity, conciseness, completeness, timeliness, proper etiquette, appropriate formatting);
– compose effective business documents and communications;
– edit, revise, and proofread to produce well- organized and grammatically correct busi- ness documents and communications;
– collaborate with peers to develop and enhance business communications, and recognize how collaboration can improve productivity;
– use presentation skills when communicat- ing business-related information for spe- cific purposes and audiences (e.g., oral communication skills, appropriate body language, use of a variety of techniques to engage the audience).
Electronic Communication
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe the tools used to communicate electronically in business (e.g., online conferencing, e-mail, voice mail, instant messaging);
– demonstrate effective use of e-mail software;
– use etiquette appropriate to the audience and purpose when communicating elec- tronically.
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify the skills and competencies (e.g., keyboarding skills, software knowledge and skills) needed to work effectively in an information and communication technol- ogy environment;
– assess their personal competencies and skills in information and communication technology;
– create and maintain a portfolio by select- ing samples of their work, including busi- ness communications, that illustrate their skills and competencies in information and communication technology.

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