Page 39 - Business Studies 9-10 (2006)
P. 39

  Design Software
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• use presentation software to create and deliver effective presentations;
• use desktop publishing software to create publications;4
• demonstrateanunderstandingoftheusesanddesignofeffectivewebsites,anddevelop their own web pages.
Specific Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify guidelines for designing an effec- tive electronic presentation (e.g., colour schemes, font size, slide content);
– create electronic presentations for specific purposes and audiences;
– use software features (e.g., slide transitions, slide layouts, design templates, animation, sound) to enhance presentations;
– use effective presentation skills when delivering an electronic presentation (e.g., plan for room dynamics; verbally empha- size important points and support them with screen images).
Desktop Publishing
By the end of this course, students will:
– use desktop publishing features (e.g., tem- plates, importing text and graphics, font, layout, styles) to enhance publications;
– use desktop publishing software to design and create a variety of publications (e.g., card, invitation, flyer, newsletter) for spe- cific purposes and audiences.
Web Page Development
By the end of this course, students will:
– compare the purposes (e.g., to promote a business, to market products, to provide information) and target audiences of a variety of websites;
– identify guidelines for developing effective websites (e.g., guidelines on design, tech- nical requirements, appropriate language, and inclusive images);
– design and create web pages for specific purposes and audiences.
  4. If desktop publishing software is not available, students may use the desktop publishing features of word processing software programs to meet the requirements of this expectation.

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