Page 79 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 79

  Information and Communication Technology Ethics and Issues
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• demonstrateanunderstandingofthelegal,social,andethicalissuesrelatedtoinformation and communication technology;
• analyse privacy and security issues related to conducting business electronically;
• summarize health and environmental issues related to the use of information and communication technology.
Specific Expectations
Legal, Social, and Ethical Issues
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe the impact on business of the illegal and unethical use of information and communication technology;
– describe the legal issues related to intellec- tual property law (e.g., copyright, trade- marks, domain names);
– adhere to copyright and licensing rules and regulations when accessing information electronically;
– assess the purpose and content of an acceptable use agreement;
– describe the social and ethical issues related to the use of information and communica- tion technology in business (e.g., equity and access issues, use of spyware, employee monitoring, sale of customer information).
Privacy and Security Issues
By the end of this course, students will:
– explain the reasons for protecting informa- tion and computer systems, and the meth- ods of protection (e.g., passwords, firewalls, login, anti-virus software) used in stand- alone and networked environments;
– describe privacy and security issues (e.g., cybercrime, loss of privacy, identity theft, viruses) related to the use of information and communication technology tools;
– identify the security measures that e-businesses provide for consumers (e.g., encryption of credit card information, passwords, user identification).
Health and Environmental Issues
By the end of this course, students will:
– explain the importance of ergonomic practices in business;
– describe methods to ensure personal health and safety in an information and communication technology environment;
– explain how information and communi- cation technology procedures and prac- tices can be more environmentally friendly (e.g., disposal of materials, use of environmentally friendly materials).

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