Page 77 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 77

  Business Communications
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• communicate using accepted business standards and formats;
• demonstrate effective use of electronic communication tools;
• create a digital portfolio illustrating their information and communication technology competencies and skills.
Specific Expectations
Business Communications Standards
By the end of this course, students will:
– compose, edit, and revise business docu- ments and communications to ensure they reflect accepted business standards;
– apply effective oral and visual business communication techniques;
– collaborate with peers, using a variety of methods (e.g., electronic, face-to-face), to develop and enhance business communica- tions, and recognize how collaboration can improve productivity.
Electronic Communication
By the end of this course, students will:
– compare a variety of electronic communi- cation tools (e.g., e-mail, voice mail, fax, personal digital assistant [PDA], cell phone, pager) in terms of their uses and their ben- efits to business;
– use electronic tools appropriately to com- municate with others;
– use appropriate etiquette consistently when communicating electronically.
Digital Portfolio
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe essential interpersonal, employa- bility, and technical skills an individual needs to work in a business environment;
– assess and analyse their personal compe- tencies and skills in information and com- munication technology;
– create and maintain a digital portfolio of exemplary work that illustrates their com- petencies and skills in information and communication technology.

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