Page 131 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 131

  The Role of the Manager
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• demonstrate an understanding of the role of a manager in an organization;
• describe Canada’s business environment;
• demonstrate an understanding of intrapreneurship in an organization;
• demonstrate the use of appropriate communication techniques for business managers.
Specific Expectations
Management Basics
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe the levels and types (e.g., general, functional, line, staff ) of managers found in an organization;
– describe the skills, activities, functions, and responsibilities of managers;
– describe ways in which managers can improve productivity in a business (e.g., by eliminating waste, providing training programs, purchasing in bulk, developing a positive corporate culture, utilizing knowledge of a diverse workforce).
generate and evaluate alternative solutions, select the preferred solution, implement the solution, and evaluate how well the solution worked);
– assess the importance of innovation in business management;
– describe current intrapreneurial practices found in business (e.g., employee initia- tive, new ways to improve productivity, gain sharing);
– assess their own intrapreneurial inclina- tions through skill assessment, goal setting, and identifying interests and lifestyle preferences.
The Business Environment
By the end of this course, students will: Communication
– explain the need for ethical and socially responsible behaviour in business management;
– describe the types of business found in Canada (e.g., large, small, franchise, chain, service, manufacturing);
– explore the impact of e-business on busi- ness in Canada (e.g., by considering the growth of Internet businesses, increase
in online marketing, changes in customer/supplier relations);
– identify current business issues that are specific to the local community.
By the end of this course, students will:
– apply the problem-solving model to specific situations (define the problem,
By the end of this course, students will:
– produce business communication docu- ments (e.g., letters, forms, reports) that meet business standards;
– create display documents (e.g., flyers, pam- phlets) and use them appropriately for a variety of purposes;
– use appropriate techniques when making group and individual presentations;
– demonstrate the ability to use information technology and other tools that help man- agers improve productivity and profitabil- ity (e.g., word processing, desktop publish- ing, e-mail, electronic research tools, spreadsheets);
– use proper business vocabulary in oral and written communication.

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