Page 129 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 129

Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• demonstrate an understanding of the various organizational structures used to manage the workforce effectively;
• assess the ways in which organizational structures have changed to adapt to the changing nature of work;
• evaluate the role of human resources within an organization.
Specific Expectations
Organizational Structures
By the end of this course, students will:
– assess the four traditional organizational structures (functional, divisional, hybrid, matrix);
– assess current organizational structures (e.g., team, network, boundaryless) with respect to the ways in which they increase productivity and competitive advantage;
– explain the role of the manager in dealing with trends in organizational design struc- tures (e.g., shorter chain of command, decentralization, increased empowerment, move towards more organic structures);
– explain how organizational design (e.g., communication channels, team structures, alternative work schedules) can support a positive corporate culture.
The Changing Nature of Work
By the end of this course, students will:
– assess the relationship between the individ- ual and an organization, considering issues such as the meaning of work, the psycho- logical contract, the quality of work life, and job satisfaction;
– compare alternative job-design approaches (e.g., rotation, simplification, enrichment, enlargement);
– compare the strengths and weaknesses of various work settings and arrangements for individuals and groups (e.g., job sharing,
self-managed teams, work schedules, off- site work, contract work).
Human Resources
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify and describe the impact and importance of legal considerations in the human-resource process (e.g., with regard to wages, employment equity, health and safety, employee rights, bargaining agreements);
– analyse the relationship between an organization’s objectives and the human- resource process (e.g., planning, recruit- ment, selection);
– explain the strategies and concepts involved in developing and retaining a quality workforce (e.g., career development, diversity policies, labour–management rela- tions, orientation, training);
– describe, drawing on information from a variety of sources, including the Internet, current management opportunities and the education and training they require;
– explain the nature and importance of per- formance appraisal within an organization;
– compare major performance-appraisal methods and techniques (e.g., compar- isons, behaviourally anchored rating scale, graphic-rating scale, 360° feedback).

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