Page 105 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 105

  International Careers and Skills
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• summarize a wide range of career opportunities available in international business;
• explain the effect of international business activity on jobs in Canada;
• describe the process involved in crossing international borders for international business purposes;
• demonstrate an understanding of appropriate terminology and communication techniques related to international business.
Specific Expectations
Career Opportunities
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe the factors that influence an indi- vidual’s decision to explore work opportu- nities in another country (e.g., quality of life, available opportunities, working condi- tions, political and economic stability, salaries and benefits);
– describe the jobs in a multinational com- pany that specifically involve international activity;
– describe work opportunities available in international businesses.
Effects of International Business on Jobs in Canada
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify occupations that have experienced increased employment in Canada in recent years as a result of the expansion of global business and those that have experienced decreased employment;
– describe how international business may influence future job opportunities and employment in Canada.
Border Issues
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify, on the basis of Internet research, the requirements for study, travel, and
employment in different countries (e.g., passports, student visas, work permits, languages, culturally appropriate behaviour);
– explain the role of the Canada Border Services Agency (e.g., facilitating legiti- mate cross-border traffic, supporting eco- nomic development);
– illustrate the impact of recent interna- tional events (e.g., 9/11, the outbreak of SARS in Toronto, the discovery of BSE in Canadian cattle) on Canadian interna- tional business.
Terminology and Communication Techniques
By the end of this course, students will:
– define the basic terminology of interna- tional business (e.g., import, export, rationalization, outsourcing);
– demonstrate effective use of business com- munication techniques (e.g., in business reports, presentations, advertisements);
– use information and communication tech- nology for a variety of purposes related to international businesses.

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