Page 103 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 103

  Conducting International Business
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• demonstrate an understanding of the way in which ethical considerations affect international business decisions;
• identify cultural differences between countries and describe how they affect international business practices;
• summarize the effects and challenges of marketing internationally;
• summarize the ways in which technology has affected international business.
Specific Expectations
Ethical Issues
By the end of this course, students will:
– compare the code of ethics for a variety of international companies;
– describe ways in which multinational enterprises have both positive and negative effects on the countries in which they operate;
– summarize the ethical issues that arise for companies that are competing internation- ally (e.g., fair wages, regulation of child labour, cultural preservation, environmen- tal practices).
Culture and Customs
By the end of this course, students will:
– determine the cultural challenges and benefits for management of doing business internationally (e.g., language barriers, variations in work ethic and attitudes);
– identify key cultural differences between countries (e.g., language, religion, family structure) and describe how they create both opportunities and challenges for companies involved in international business;
– describe some of the features of Canadian culture, including diversity and multicul- turalism, and explain how they can be an advantage in doing business internationally (e.g., the range of experience, skills, languages
in a diverse workforce; international con- tacts and knowledge of local customs in other countries);
– compare Canadian business protocol (e.g., laws, customs) with that of another country;
– compare communication preferences (e.g., choice of media, tone, symbolism, body language, gestures) in Canada with those of other countries.
International Marketing
By the end of this course, students will:
– compare the challenges of marketing and exporting a good with those of marketing a service internationally;
– describe how the exchange of products by buyers and sellers creates a market;
– explain the factors (e.g., cultural sensitivity, appropriate packaging, logistical consider- ations) that contribute to the marketing plan for the export of a product;
– create advertisements for the same product that target markets in two different countries.
Effects of Technology
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe how technology has influenced the business practices (e.g., transportation,

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