Page 118 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 118

 Grade 11 or 12, Open
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process: demonstrate an understanding of the critical analysis process by applying it to study works from various arts disciplines as well as integrated art works/productions;
B2. The Function of the Arts in Society: explain and assess the functions and impact of the arts in past and present societies;
B3. The Arts and Personal Development: demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationship between the arts and personal development, including their own personal development;
B4. Connections Beyond the Classroom: demonstrate an understanding of and apply the types of skills developed through creating, presenting, and analysing art works, including integrated art works/ productions, and describe various opportunities to pursue artistic endeavours outside the classroom.
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 describe their initial reaction to works from a variety of arts disciplines, and explain the reasons for their reaction (e.g., aspects of the work and their personal experience or values that contributed to their reaction)
Teacher prompt: “What particular aspects of this art work most affected your initial impres- sion? Why do you think this aspect of the work had an impact on you?”
B1.2 identify and describe the elements and principles used to create integrated art works, and analyse the methods used to combine these elements and principles into unified art works (e.g., write a review of an installation, including a description of how the artist combined elements from various arts disciplines; create a
mind map of the artistic elements in a music video by contemporary First Nation, Métis, or Inuit musi- cians, and analyse how these elements have been combined into a cohesive whole)
Teacher prompts: “What elements from the arts are integrated into an operatic performance?” “When you study this installation, what elements can you identify? Which arts disciplines are
they taken from? How does the combination of these elements allow the work to transcend these disciplines?”
B1.3 interpret a variety of art works using the critical analysis process, and reflect on and explain how their interpretation of specific art works has changed over the course of this process (e.g., the difference between their initial reaction and more informed interpretation; the roles of research and reflection in their ongoing critical assessment)
Teacher prompt: “Describe your initial reaction to this art work. In what ways has this reaction changed as a result of your increased under- standing of the artist’s intent? What factors contributed to this change?”
B1.4 communicate their critical judgement of a variety of their own art works and the works of others, and explain the relationship between this stage of the critical analysis process and the creative process (e.g., why a work is or is not effective; what they would change in a work, and why; how evaluating the effectiveness of others’ art works contributes to their ability to assess their own works at different stages of the creative process)

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