Page 117 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 117

 A4.3 demonstrate an understanding of the appro- priate standards, conventions, and practices associated with the preparation, promotion, and presentation of art works, including inte- grated art works/productions, for a variety
of purposes (e.g., standards and conventions for the display of various types of visual art works; practices to ensure an appropriate level of interac- tivity in media art works; standards associated with venues for dance or drama presentations;
different standards and practices for formal and informal presentations; practices used to effective- ly promote an exhibition of integrated art works in the local community)
Teacher prompts: “How would you promote integrated art works/productions being pre- sented at a community centre or gallery as opposed to those being presented to an audience of students at your school?” “What are the advantages and disadvantages of promoting
or presenting works solely on the Internet?”
Exploring and Creating in the Arts

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