Page 115 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 115

By the end of this course, students will:
 A1. The Creative Process: apply the creative process to create integrated art works/productions, individually and/or collaboratively;
A2. Elements and Principles: apply elements and principles from various arts disciplines when creating, modifying, and presenting art works, including integrated art works/productions;
A3. Tools, Techniques, and Technologies: use a variety of tools, techniques, and technologies to create integrated art works/productions that communicate specific messages and demonstrate creativity;
A4. Presentation and Promotion: present and promote art works, including integrated art works/ productions, for a variety of purposes, using appropriate technologies and conventions.
A1. The Creative Process
By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 use a variety of strategies (e.g., brainstorming with a partner, think-pair-share, mind maps, graphic organizers) to generate innovative ideas and to develop and refine detailed plans to address an integrated art challenge, individually and/or collaboratively (e.g., the challenge to create a performance piece or installation on a theme related to nature, such as water, fire, birth, or decay)
Teacher prompts: “What strategies did your group use to generate ideas to address the cre- ative challenge?” “Does your plan address how you will approach all the stages of the creative process as you create your art work?” “In what ways did you have to refine your original
idea and plans as you progressed through
the creative process?”
A1.2 use the appropriate stages of the creative process to produce and present integrated art works, individually and/or collaboratively,
in response to creative challenges, and revise them on the basis of reflection and peer- and self-assessment (e.g., experiment with elements from various arts disciplines; present their work formally and informally to the class at various stages of the creative process, reflect on the insights derived from the audience response, and use valid feedback as well as self-assessment to refine their work)
Teacher prompts: “How do you decide if an experiment with integrating elements from various arts has been successful?” “When you reflect on your approach to the creative process, was any stage more demanding than the others?” “Has peer feedback given you fresh ideas to explore? Has it changed your perception of or approach to your work? What changes did you make as a result of this feedback?”
A1.3 compile and organize a portfolio that con- tains representative samples of their integrated art works/productions and illustrates how they have used the creative process in creating these works (e.g., ensure that their portfolio includes evidence of how their work developed through each stage of the creative process)
Teacher prompts: “Does your portfolio contain a range of work that illustrates your approach to each stage of the creative process? Which works reflect the specific stages of the process?” “Why is it important to include preliminary
as well as final versions of your work in your portfolio?”
A2. Elements and Principles
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 select and apply a combination of elements and principles from multiple arts disciplines when creating and presenting complex integrat- ed art works/productions (e.g., use relationship
Exploring and Creating in the Arts

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