Page 41 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
P. 41

   to quantify, the type of service and its minimum frequency must be identi- fied. It is not necessary to list the regular classroom teacher in the human resources section of an IEP.
Types of support services provided by non-board staff should be noted on the IEP, but the recording of specific information, such as frequency and inten- sity, is not necessary.
Examples of how information about human resource services should be recorded in an IEP include the following:
• Youth Counsellor, 30 minutes, one day a week, conference room
• Special Education Teacher, 40 minutes, 4 to 5 days a week, resource room
• Teacher’s Assistant, 30 minutes, daily, playground
• Teacher’s Assistant, 300 minutes daily of support shared with other stu- dents, classroom
• Teacher’s Assistant, approximately 1 hour per day for personal care, in a variety of settings, as required
• Special Education Teacher, consultation with classroom teacher(s), mini- mum once per term
When the human resource section of the IEP is being developed, the IPRC’s statement of decision should be reviewed to ensure that any recommenda- tions the committee made about special education services are taken into consideration by the school principal.
Record Information About Evaluation and Reporting
Student progress must be evaluated at least once in every reporting period (see p. 46). Three reports are required in elementary and non-semestered secondary schools, and the reporting dates must be recorded in the IEP. As IEPs are generally developed in each semester in a semestered secondary school, two reports are required and the corresponding dates must be recorded. In addition to the reporting dates, the IEP must indicate the format(s) – that is, the Provincial Report Card and, in some cases, an alterna- tive report as well – that will be used to communicate student learning to parents.
In a very few cases, where none of the student’s expectations are based on subjects or courses from the Ontario curriculum, an alternative report may be the only report format used.
Record Information About Provincial Assessments
It is most helpful to parents if the IEP indicates whether the student is scheduled to participate in a provincial assessment during the current school year. Assessment accommodations for provincial assessments are identified in the IEP. They must be consistent with the accommodations that are nec- essary for regular classroom assessment practices, as indicated in the IEP,
  Phase 3: Develop the IEP as It Relates to the Student’s Special Education Program and Services 39

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