Page 40 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
P. 40

   • “In personal care, [the student] will retrieve and open his lunch bag and arrange his food independently, with a maximum of 3 verbal prompts.”
• “In orientation and mobility training, [the student] will move independ- ently from the classroom to the school office during high traffic times.”
Determine Teaching Strategies and Assessment Methods
Teaching strategies
Teaching strategies support the student in achieving his or her learning expectations. A list of all the individualized teaching strategies used with the student would be recorded in the Instructional Accommodations section of the IEP form (see Appendix A). If there is a teaching strategy that relates to
a particular expectation, and it differs from the strategies used with other students, it should be recorded alongside the learning expectation in the IEP. It is possible that some learning expectations do not require different teaching strategies from those regularly used in the classroom. Where that is the case, a strategy need not be identified. Examples of individualized teaching strate- gies include the following:
• provide a mnemonic device to support the student’s recall of information
• confer with the student to assist with the organization of a project
• provide organizers of reading content in advance
Assessment methods
Student achievement of expectations in a subject, course, or alternative program should be monitored and assessed continuously, using a range of methods and techniques and incorporating the assessment accommodations already identified in the IEP. The assessment method that will be used to assess the student learning outlined in each learning expectation is recorded in the IEP. For example:
• For the learning expectation “Describe the basic structure and function of the major organs in one of the organ systems”, the assessment method could be: “Short oral presentation with visual aid”.
Plan For and Document Required Human Resources
The IEP should contain a record of direct instruction and/or consultation to be provided by special education teachers, as well as support services to be provided by teacher’s assistants or services to be provided in the areas of speech pathology, audiology, physical and occupational therapy, recreation, counselling, social work, and medical support. The information recorded must include the type of service to be provided, the date on which provision of the service is to start, the planned frequency or intensity of the service, and the location in which the service is to be provided. Although consulta- tive support provided to classroom teachers by board staff is more difficult
The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A Resource Guide

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