Page 4 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
P. 4

   Record Decisions About Program Exemptions, Course Substitutions, andEligibilityforaDiplomaoraCertificate ................ . . . 27 DetermineAccommodations ............................ . . . 28 Record Subjects or Courses With Accommodations Only in the IEP . . 30 Plan and Document Subjects or Courses With Modified Expectations . 30 ElementarySchoolSubjects ............................... . . 30
Currentlevelofachievement .......................... . . 30 Annualprogramgoal(s) ................................. 31 Learningexpectations .................................. 32
SecondarySchoolCourses .................................. 33 Currentlevelofachievement ............................ 33 Annualprogramgoal(s) ................................. 34 Learningexpectations .................................. 35
Plan and Document Alternative Programs or Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Determine Teaching Strategies and Assessment Methods . . . . . . . . . . 38 TeachingStrategies .................................... 38 AssessmentMethods .................................. 38 PlanForandDocumentRequiredHumanResources ............. 38 Record Information About Evaluation and Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Record Information About Provincial Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 DevelopaTransitionPlan,IfRequired ........................ 40 Record Information About the IEP Development Phase ........... 41 IEPdevelopmentteam ......... ............ ............ 41 Sources consulted in development ............ ............ 41 Parent/student consultation . . . . . ............ ............ 42 CompletiondateoftheIEPdevelopmentphase ............... 42 Principal’sapproval ................................... 42 Parent/studentresponse ................................ 43
Phase4:ImplementtheIEP ............................. 44 Share the Completed IEP with the Student, Parents, School Staff, andOtherProfessionals ................................... 44 PuttheIEPIntoPractice .................................. 44
Classroomteachers .................................... 44
Supportpersonnel .................................... 45 ContinuouslyAssesstheStudent’sProgress .................... 45 AdjusttheIEPasNecessary ................................ 46 Evaluate the Student’s Learning and Report to Parents . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Subjectsorcourseswithaccommodationsonly ............... 46 Subjectsorcourseswithmodifiedexpectations ............... 46 Alternativeprogramsandcourses ......................... 47
Phase5:ReviewandUpdatetheIEP ............. ......... 48 Update the Learning Expectations at the Beginning of Each
ReportingPeriod ............................... ......... 48 RecordOngoingRevisionstotheIEP ......................... 48 Store the IEP in the Documentation File of the Ontario Student
Record ............................................... 48
The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A Resource Guide

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