Page 3 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
P. 3

   Introduction .......................................... 4 WhatIsanIEP? ......................................... 6 WhyDoesaStudentHaveanIEP? ........................... 7
TheIEPProcess ....................................... 9
Phase1:GatherInformation ............................. 12 Gather Information From Various Sources for Program Planning . . . . 12 Consult With Parents, the Student, School Staff, and Other
Professionals ........................................... 13
Consultationwithparents ............................... 13 Consultationwiththestudent ............................ 14 Consultationwithpreviousteachers ............ . .......... 14 Consultation with other professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 14
Gather Information Through Observation of the Student .......... 14 ConductFurtherAssessments,IfNecessary .................... 15 ConsolidateandRecordInformation ............ ............. 15
Phase2:SettheDirection .................. ............. 16 Establish a Collaborative Approach – The IEP Team ............. 16 EstablishRolesandResponsibilities .......................... 17
The role of the educators and other professionals on the team . . . . 17 Theprincipal ...................................... 17 Theclassroomteacher ............................... 17 Thespecialeducationteacher ......................... 18 Theteacher’sassistant ............................... 18 Otherprofessionals ................................. 18
Theroleofthestudentandparentsontheteam .............. 19 Thestudent ....................................... 19 Parents .......................................... 19
Ways of supporting parental and student involvement ......... 20 BeginWorkontheIEP .......................... ......... 20 Relevantassessmentdata ...................... ......... 22 Indicate the Student’s Areas of Strength and Areas of Need on the IEP 23 Healthsupportservicesintheschoolsetting ................. 24
Phase 3: Develop the IEP as It Relates to the Student’s Special EducationProgramandServices .......................... 25 Classify Subjects or Courses and Alternative Program Areas . . . . . . . 25
“Accommodatedonly” ................................. 25 “Modified” .......................................... 25 “Alternative” ........................................ 26 Classifying programs for gifted students . . . . . . . . . . .......... 27
1. Subjects or courses with modified expectations .......... 27
2.Alternativeprograms ................... . .......... 27 Recording classified subjects and courses in the IEP . .......... 27
Une publication équivalente est disponible en français sous le titre suivant : Plan d’enseigne- ment individualisé (PEI) : Guide.
This publication is available on the Ministry of Education’s website at

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