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 Ways to connect with learners using video conferencing
Video conferencing adds a new dimension to the way we connect with friends and family.
When used effectively, it can also be a valuable tool in aiding instruction as it can enhance students’ learning and keep them engaged while supporting their mental health, particularly when they are isolated from classmates, friends and extended family.
It can provide different learning opportunities for students including those with special needs.
However, advancements in video conferencing technology also mean an increased level of responsibility.
There are considerations with respect to technology, security, privacy, confidentiality, and consent.
Some of the most popular video conferencing platforms were not created for educational purposes. Hackers have been able to crash sessions and steal information, which raises concerns about student privacy and the security of information such as recorded videos.
The following is intended to assist you in exercising professional judgment to avoid potential risks and safely create your own virtual learning space.
Remember that everyone is in this together. We all learn at our own pace. Be patient with yourself and with the technology – and don’t despair as you expand your ability of using technology.

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