Page 12 - Ontario First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education Policy Framework
P. 12

  • Ontario First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Policy Framework
Measuring Success
For each goal, specific quantitative and qualitative performance measures are provided. These ten performance measures will be used to gauge the success of the implementation of the framework. The ministry is planning to develop a “framework implementation plan” that will include specific targets in connection with the performance measures to aid in assessing system effectiveness and First Nation, Métis, and Inuit student achieve- ment. School boards will implement the framework through their own school board planning, which will include locally developed targets.
In order to assess progress towards the goals of improved student achieve- ment and closing the gap in student achievement, it will be important to have reliable and valid data. Although census data is available on the educational attainment of Aboriginal peoples in Ontario (see Appendix C), a particular challenge for the Ministry of Education is the inability to identify First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students who live within the juris- dictions of Ontario school boards. Aboriginal student-specific data is not available to support improvement planning and accountability, or to inform policy and funding decisions, measurement, and reporting. For this reason, boards are encouraged to develop policies for voluntary, confidential Aboriginal student self-identification that would provide a basis for gathering the relevant information. The ministry will provide a resource guide and other supports to school boards for developing such policies.
Establishing baseline data on the achievement of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students in Ontario’s provincially funded schools will be a key target
in the implementation of the framework.
The ministry is committed to providing progress reports every three years on the implementation of the framework, based on the ten performance measures.

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