Page 67 - Learning for All – A Guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013
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Glossary • 65
document that identifies learning expectations that may be modified from or alternative to the expectations given in the curriculum policy document for the appropriate grade and subject or course. It outlines the specific knowledge and skills to be assessed and evaluated for the purpose of reporting student achievement.
individual student profile: See student profile.
in-school support team: A school-based team that suggests teaching strategies to classroom teachers who have students with special education needs and that recommends formal and informal assessments. An in-school support team is made up of people with various types of expertise who work together. In most schools, the core members of the team would include the principal or vice-principal; the school special education resource teacher (if available);
a guidance teacher-counsellor (especially at the secondary level); and possibly the student’s current teacher and/or the “referring” teacher (adapted from Ontario Ministry of Education, 2001, pp. C6–C7). When appropriate, the team may also include representatives from the school board and/or the community. An in-school support team may also be referred to as a multidisciplinary team.
learning style: The method that an individual prefers to use when receiving, processing, and remembering new information. Learning styles are often described according to the senses – visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. While some individuals favour one style, others prefer to use different styles for different tasks, or a combination of styles.
modifications (modified expectations): Changes made to the grade-level expectations for
a subject or course in order to meet a student’s learning needs. Modifications may include
the use of expectations at a different grade level and/or an increase or decrease in the number and/or complexity of expectations relative to the curriculum expectations for the regular grade level.
personalization: Education that puts the learner at the centre, providing assessment and instruction that are tailored to students’ particular learning and motivational needs (adapted from Fullan, Hill, & Crévola, 2006).
precision: A term describing instruction that is closely informed by evidence from assessment for learning and that responds to the learning strengths and needs and level of readiness of the individual student.
professional learning: Focused, ongoing learning for every educator “in context”, to link new conceptions of instructional practice with assessment of student learning (adapted from Fullan, Hill, & Crévola, 2006).
student profile: An information gathering and planning tool used to compile detailed infor- mation on an individual student’s strengths and needs and the methods of assessment and instruction that best suit the student’s strengths, learning style, preferences, needs, interests, and readiness. See also class profile.

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