Page 7 - A Rotinonhsyón:ni Representation of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession
P. 7

The professional judgments and moral actions of educators are greatly enhanced through the adoption of a reflective ethical stance.
Professional inquiry assists educators to critically explore practices that are laden and interwoven with multifaceted complex ethical dimensions. Understanding and gaining deeper insight into these ethical dimensions can help guide the ethical thinking, decisions and actions of educators.
Exploring professional practices through the reflective inquiries offered in this discussion guide may help to enhance understandings related to the many rich and complex ethical concepts and issues associated with teaching and leadership.
The core ethical concepts being explored in this discussion guide are embedded within the four ethical standards of Care, Respect, Trust and Integrity.
As you reflect on the Rotinonhsyón:ni artistic representations and the artist’s interpretation included in this guide, consider how your ethical practice can be deepened and extended.
A Rotinonhsyón:ni Representation of the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession

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